Katana signed KANEFUSA
Sue Koto (End of Muromachi period Eiroku era/circa A.D.1558) Mino
Length of cutting edge71.5cm Curvature1.8cm Width of base33.5mm Width of Yokote23.9mm Thickness of base6.7mm

Sugata(configuration) : Shinogi-zukuri, Iori-mune which is higher than average, wide mihaba, upper pointed gracefully curve leading to middle tip.
There are Futasuji-hi (double parallel grooves) chiselled away on both sides.
Kitae(forging pattern) : Kitae is fine ko-itame (tight wooden grain) and mixing in with flowing hada partly. The entire steel is strongly clear and slight utsuri reflection appears in hiraji.
Hamon(tempering pattern) : Hamon is Nioi based, large gunome-midare of which head is round in full, called [Kanefusa-midare]. The interior is filled in with brightly sparkling ko-nie and nioi. The nioi of thick ashi feet cluster together in the ravines of temper line creating bright ko-nie. The entire temper is splendidly vivid and bright.
Boshi (tip): Boshi is wavy two large gunome-midare then medium circle turn back called Jizo boshi.
Nakago(tang) : The tang is UBU unaltered. OneMekugi-ana (retaining hole). Takanoha file marks. Ha-agari kurijiri heel shape. The is rich volume in the mune edge. The signature is located upper, thick chiselled two character that reads KANE FUSA.
During the Muromachi era, several generations of sword masters named KANEFUSA lived in Seki town, had been played a major role of sword production. A fellow disciple of the 2nd generation Kanefusa had moved to Suruga/Mikawa and served for the daimyo Imagawa Ujizane, then was granted a smith name Uji-Fusa and Wakasa-no-kami title. After the fall of Imagawa family, he had moved to Gifu and Komaki city and he and his families had been prospered till end of Edo period exclusively worked for a Owari Tokugawa clan.
This magnificent katana is long and wide, has rich volume in hiraji , ample thickness. Finely detailed scene of forging pattern is delicately beautiful and has slight utsuri. The tempering pattern is a typical example of Kanefusa-Midare. This sword is a delight masterpiece and surely one of his prominent works. This sword is reported in the directory book of [Token Oshigata Taikan].
Gold foiled habaki, Shira-Saya plain wood mounting.