Katana signed HANKEI
Shinto Early Edo period (Kanei/circa 1624) Mikawa/Edo
Length of cutting edge71.2cm Curvature1.2cm Width of base29.0mm Width of Yokote20.0mm

Sugata(configuration) : Shinogi-zukuri(longitudinal ridge), Mitsumune(tri-bevelled back), Mihaba is in average and less curvature leading to chu-kissaki(medium point).
Kitae(forging pattern) : Kitae is a combination of conspicuous itame(wooden grain) with matsukawa-like hada(pine-bark texture), with thick Jinie(hard metal granules over the surface of blade) and Chikei(short lines of nie activity).
Hamon(tempering pattern) : Combination of gentle notare-ha(undulations) mixing in with Gunome. The habuchi is covered in thick Nie and deep Nioi-kuchi. The interior of temper is active with Ashi, YOU, bright curved Kinsuji threadlike area and Sunagashi lines of Nie, vivid and bright.
Nakago(tang) : UBU(unaltered), Machiokuri(tempered edge shortened) with Osujikai yasurime file marks in Hakiomote and the Ura is Gyaku-osujikai(diagonal file marks descending to the left). Back of the tang has Higaki(crossing file marks). Two mekugi-ana(one is filled). The signature in Hakiomote is carved with two characters that reads HAN-KEI. The entire shape of tang is unique that has never been seem from the other works.
Boshi(tip) : Midarekomi with brushed tip (hakikae). Deep turn back.
Ono Hankei was born in Mikawa province and had served for Tokugawa Ieyasu and Hidetada shoguns as a matchlock smith. He changed his smith name to Hankei from Kiyotaka in the first year of Kanei(A.D.1624) and made swords in Suruga province and Teppo-cho in Edo province. He was strongly influenced with the works of Norishige during Kamakura period. This is a work of Hankei during his middle age of activity from it's sign's character and listed on the book of SHINTO-TAIKAN. The entire Jigane is combination of conspicuous Itame-hada and Matsukawa-like hada covered in thick Ji-nie and temering is splendidly active with frequent and rich nie, grand sight. This katana is surely one of his best Soshuden works and overflowing with an ambitious spirit.
Gold double foiled habaki collar, Shirasya plain wood scabbard with inscription of Honma Kunzan.