
Katana signed (orikaeshi) Hida-no-kami Fujiwara UJIFUSA

Shinto Momoyama period (Tensho 20th - Kan'ei 8th/1592-1631) Owari
Length of Cutting edge 71.7cm Curcature 1.2cm Width of Base 30.0mm Width of Yokote 20.7mm Thickness of Base 6.7mm

NBTHK(Hozon) certificate

Sugata(configuration) : Shinogi-zukuri, Ior-mune construction, Although the cutting edge is substantially shortened, it measures rather on longer side 71.7cm. Shallow in curve "Sori", a bit on higher side in Shinogi-ridge that leads to Chu-kissaki where this geometry appears on the Momoyama period to perform the most supreme cutting as well as durable construction for taking part in actual fighting battle.(click HERE for higher resolution image)
Kitae(forging pattern) : Kitae forging pattern is outstanding Itame wooden hada generally with the conspicuous indication of streaming Masame ware that appears mostly along the back ridge of Mune. Sparkling Ji-Nie attaches over Hiraji and thick lines of Chikei-activity is perceived whereas Masame straight forging pattern appears on the Shinogi-ji surface.
Hamon(tempering pattern) : Hamon quenching state is rather on stronger side "Nie-deki". Notare undulating mixing with Gunome-midare. Sunagashi streams appears along quenching area and thick Ashi radiate onto the cutting edge.
Boshi (tip): Wide in temper, irregular Gunome pattern at boshi tip which is small circle turns back deeply on the ridge of Mune.
Nakago(tang) : The Nakago is substantially shortened "Suriage" on about 4-sun (12cm). An original file marks "Yasurime" is greatly slanting left "Ō-sujikai" whereas Suriage area appears horizontal "Kiri". Three Mekugi-ana retaining holes and there is a mark of the additional reinforced "Hikae-ana" apears on the back of "Hakiura".
The bold and vigorous chiselled inscription "Hida-no-Kami Fuji" 飛騨守氏房 is engraved on front and the rest of signature "hara UJIFUSA" 原氏房 is turned-up onto the other-side in the manner of "Oshikaeshi-mei".

Hida-no-kami UJIFUSA 飛騨守氏房, real name of initially Kawamura Isechiyo 河村伊勢千代, later changed to Kawamura Heijuro 河村平十郎, was born in the 10th year of Eiroku(1567).
His father Wakasa-no-kami Ujifusa 若狭守氏房 won the praise from the daimyo
Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 to exclusively belong to him. In the 5th year of Tensho (1577), Hida-no-kami Ujifusa 飛騨守氏房 moved to Azuchi castle town in Oumi province along with his father Wakasa-no-kami Ujifusa 若狭守氏房 to work exclusively as a page of Oda Nobutaka 織田信孝 who is the 3 rd son of Oda Nobunaga.
After the
Incident at Honno-ji (本能寺の変, Honno-ji no Hen) referred to the forced suicide in the 21th day, the sixth month, the 10 th year of Tensho (1582) of Oda Nobunaga, UJIFUSAs parent and son returned to his home town Gifu with Oda Nobutaka's 織田信孝 help then again came back to Kiyosu castle town under the support of Sakuma Masakatsu 佐久間正勝.
After his father Wakasa-no-kami Ujifusa 若狭守氏房 passed away in the 11 th day, the 5 th month, 18 th year of Tensho (1590), he learned from his uncle Nobutaka 信高 of 1 st generation and officially enjoyed Hida-no-kami 飛騨守 title in the 11 th day, the 5 th month, 20 th year of Tensho (1592).
On after
Nagoya castle relocation in 1610, he moved from Kiyosu to Kaji town, in Nagoya (now in 3 chome Marunouchi,Naka-ku) then was in retirement 1631 to yield his position as head of the Ujifusa to his eldest son - the 3 rd generation Bizen-no-kami Ujifusa 備前守氏房.
Hida-no-kami Ujifusa 飛騨守氏房 was passed away in the same year in 1631, was 65 years old.
The subject katana pre-Edo period originally measued 84cm in cutting edge as a horseback usage and was substaltially shortened in Edo-period by four-sun (12cm) for daily foot usage to be a current length of two-shaku, three-sun and seven-bu (71.7cm). Hamon combining undulating and gunome patterns, reminiscent of the craftsmanship of Soshu Sadamune. It showcases the refined construction characteristic of the styles popularized during the Momoyama period and is an exceptional piece, passed down and treasured in generations as an powerful martial spirit by a high-ranking Owari samurai.
Signle layer copper Habaki collar, preserved in a Shirasaya plain wood mounting
reference : Iwata Atou, Owari Toko-fu, Nagoya citry Board of Education, 1984