katana signed Tanba-no-kami YOSHIMICHI (first gen.)
Shinto Early Edo period (Gen-na era/about 400 years ago) Yamashiro
Length of cutting edge70.3cm Curvature1.6cm Width of base30.5mm Width of Yokote22.6mm Thickness of base6.4mm

Blade construction (kengyo) : Shinogi-zuruki, Iori-mune. Mihaba is wide and there is shallow curvature leading to a extended middle tip.
Forging pattern (kitae hada) : Kitae hada is conspicuous Itame hada mixing in with flowing streams hada ware where sparkling Ji-ne glitter works on surface.
Temper of tip (boshi) : Boshi is straight indication, small circle then shallow turns back.
Tang (Nakago) : Nakago is UBU original, V-shape heel shape. Sujikai slanting left file marks. Two Mekugi-anas. There is large fine character that reads Tanba-no-kami YOSHIMICHI.
A frontier smith KANEMICHI in Mino province, in the second month, the second year of Bunroku(1593), had moved up Kyoto along with his four sons to establish MISHINA-school. First son-Iganokami KINMICHI, the second-Izuminokami KINMICHI, the third is him - Tanbanokami YOSHIMICHI and the fourth son-Etchu-no-kami MASATOSHI. MISHINA school had been flourished throughout Edo period, one of the two greatest sword schools equals to HORIKAWA-school. The major character of his signature is the first charactar [TAN] which lurches to the right and it's shape reminds that a gentle breeze filled the canvas so called [Hokake-Tanba], and the the third character [KAMI] and the fourth [YOSHI] almost closes or touches.
This katana shows a typical shape during Keicho period, full of heroic and brave impression. Forging marks is outstandingly visible with choice of fine steel, the temper activates with irregular O-midare, varies in height and shape. The interior of temper shows frequent Sunagashi streams. Superb and magnificent katana by First generation YOSHIMICHI.
Double gold foiled Habaki collar, Shira-Saya plain wood mounting.